HSAs for Individuals (2024)

HSAs for Individuals (1)

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HSAs – helping you manage healthcare costs for today and in the future

A health savings account (HSA), paired with a qualified high deductible health plan (HDHP), is a smart tool that can help you prepare for your future healthcare expenses and manage your day-to-day medical costs. Some people use their HSAs to pay healthcare bills as they come in, while others prefer to save for future needs. Because funds in your HSA never expire, you have an opportunity to build your balance over time.

Benefits and features of an HSA

Using your HSA goes beyond paying for bills. An HSA is a great place to build up savings for expenses you have today or will have in the future.

How to use your HSA

It's easy to use your Health Savings Account (HSA). With UMB, you have a variety of tools to access your funds including your HSA debit card, online bill pay and online reimbursem*nt.

Investing in your HSA²

Your UMB Health Savings Account (HSA) is much more than an account for medical expenses. The UMB HSA provides you with investment options to help you reach your financial goals.

HSA resources and education

Helpful information on your HSA, including how-to guides, presentations, investing info, forms, answers to your frequently asked questions, as well as access to a variety of helpful tools and calculators.

HSA Contribution Limits1

Are you 55 or older? If so, you could be making extra "catch-up" contributions










See full table of contribution limits, minimum deductible and maximum out-of-pocket expenses.

HSA Eligible Expenses

View the list of qualified HSA Expenses.

Contact us

Service Center hours:
Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. CT
Saturday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT

866.520.4HSA (4472)

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HSAs for Individuals (11)

HSA tax advantages and implications


Tax Savings


Important Tax Information



Using your HSA
HSA Eligible Expenses
HSA Tax Information

1 All mention of taxes is made in reference to federal tax law. Neither UMB Bank n.a., nor its parent, subsidiaries, or affiliates are engaged in rendering tax or legal advice and this document is not intended as tax or legal advice. States can choose to follow the federal tax-treatment guidelines for HSAs or establish their own; some states tax HSA contributions. Please check with each state’s tax laws to determine the tax treatment of HSA contributions, or consult your tax adviser.

Investments in securities throughUMB HSA Saver are:
Not FDIC Insured • May Lose Value • No Bank Guarantee

2UMB Investment Management selects mutual funds in various asset classes for inclusion in the UMB HSA Saver® Investment Program. UMB Investment Management is a department of UMB Bank, n.a. UMB Bank, n.a. is a wholly owned subsidiary of UMB Financial Corporation.

UMB Custody Services provides safekeeping and settlement of the mutual fund investments in the UMB HSA Saver investment program. UMB Custody Services is a division of UMB Bank, n.a.

HSA deposit products offered by UMB Bank, n.a. Member FDIC.

HSAs for Individuals (2024)


Are HSAS actually worth it? ›

The Bottom Line. For those who choose high-deductible health plans (HDHPs), an HSA has real advantages. It can offset your medical costs, reduce your taxes, and give you a long-term tax-advantaged savings account. An HDHP isn't the best option for everyone, but having one is the only way to get access to an HSA account ...

What is the downside of an HSA? ›

- Requires detailed tracking of transactions and receipts. - IRS regulations can complicate expense tracking. - Accounts can be invested to grow over time. - Risks of penalties and taxes for non-qualified expenses.

What disqualifies you from contributing to an HSA? ›

An employee covered by an HDHP and a health FSA or an HRA that pays or reimburses qualified medical expenses generally cannot make contributions to an HSA.

How do I know how much I personally contributed to my HSA? ›

But either way, your HSA custodian will have your back. They'll send you Form 5498-SA, showing how much you contributed to your HSA. And if you made any withdrawals, they'll also send you Form 1099-SA, showing the amount of the withdrawals. So there you have it.

Should I max out my HSA every year? ›

Max out your contributions if you can

If you're able, consider contributing the annual maximum amount. The more you can contribute, the more you can benefit from the HSA's potential tax advantages.

How much does a HSA actually save? ›

A health savings account (HSA) is a type of bank account that helps you pay less taxes while saving money on a range of health care expenses... Using an HSA can save an average of $955 per year in taxes for individuals or $1,909 per year for families.

Who shouldn't get an HSA? ›

HSAs might not make sense if you have some type of chronic medical condition. In that case, you're probably better served by traditional health plans. HSAs might also not be a good idea if you know you will be needing expensive medical care in the near future.

Do I ever lose my HSA money? ›

HSAs: The basics

What's more, unlike health flexible spending accounts (FSAs), HSAs are not subject to the "use-it-or-lose-it" rule. Funds remain in your account from year to year, and any unused funds may be used to pay for future qualified medical expenses.

Is it better to have a PPO or HSA? ›

Examine your budget and financial situation. PPOs typically have higher premiums but lower out-of-pocket costs for routine services. HSAs may have lower premiums but higher out-of-pocket costs until the deductible is met. Consider how these costs align with your budget.

What is the loophole for HSA contributions? ›

The ultimate loophole available to almost everyone under the age of 65 in our tax code is the Health Savings Account (HSA). It is the only account you can contribute to and deduct the contribution and then withdraw the money tax free. Think about that, a tax deduction going in and no taxes going out.

What is the 12 month rule for HSA? ›

The Last Month Rule

The catch? There is a testing period of twelve months. This means you must stay eligible through the end of the next year, or else you will face taxes and penalties. For example, let's look at the individual above who became HSA-eligible on December 1.

What can HSA not pay for? ›

Generally, you can't use your HSA to pay for expenses that don't meaningfully promote the proper function of the body or prevent or treat illness or disease. Nutritional supplements and weight loss programs not prescribed by a physician are examples of expenses that would not be covered by your HSA.

What happens if I accidentally use my HSA card for non-medical expenses? ›

If you discover you accidentally paid for something other than a qualified medical expense from your HSA, you may repay the mistaken distribution prior to filing your federal taxes for the tax year of the mistake.

Do I have to report my HSA on my tax return? ›

You must report contributions from your HSA on IRS Form 8889. Get 5498-SA information in the "If I don't have a 5498-SA, how can I get my contributions by tax year?" question below. Find a sample of form 5498-SA from the IRS.

Can I take money out of my HSA and put it back? ›

You can pay expenses out of pocket and reimburse yourself when you need the money since there's no "use it or lose it" rule with HSAs. The benefit of leaving your HSA funds in the account until you need them, is it lets your money continue to grow tax-free, adding to your HSA's total value.

Should I actually use my HSA? ›

If you don't spend the money in your account, it will carryover year after year. Your HSA can be used now, next year or even when you're retired. Saving in your HSA can help you plan for health expenses you anticipate in the coming years, such as laser eye surgery, braces for your child, or paying Medicare premiums.

Is it a good idea to invest your HSA money? ›

Account holders who don't invest their HSA contributions could be missing an opportunity to earn tax-free returns. We generally suggest keeping two to three years' worth of routine medical expenses in cash, cash investments, or similar low-volatility investments within your HSA.

Should I max out my 401k or HSA first? ›

First off, most experts would recommend maxing out HSA contributions before maxing out 401(k) contributions because of the tax advantages that come with the HSA. There's no minimum age for HSA fund distributions, so when you need it to spend money on health care, it's got your back.

What is the average HSA balance? ›

Still, despite workers spending more on health care in 2022 than in previous years, average balances in HSAs increased, rising from $4,318 in 2021 to $4,607.

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Job: IT Strategist

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.