Characters Russendisko (2012)

1. Russendisko (2012) - Cast & crew — The Movie Database (TMDB)

  • Cast 15 · Matthias Schweighöfer. Wladimir Kaminer · Friedrich Mücke. Mischa · Christian Friedel. Andrej · Peri Baumeister. Olga · Susanne Bormann. Hanna · Pheline ...

  • Het verhaal van Wladimir, Andrej en Mischa; drie jonge Russische vrienden, die van Moskou naar Berlijn verhuizen tijdens de emigratiegolf direct na de val van de Berlijnse muur. Ze nemen hun kans waar om op zoek te gaan naar een beter leven en worden zo betrokken bij de verhalen van de alledaagse waanzin in de straten van Berlijn in de vroege jaren negentig.

2. Russendisko (Film, 2012) -

  • Bevat niet: characters | Resultaten tonen met:characters

  • Komedie film geregisseerd door Oliver Ziegenbalg. Met Rainer Bock, Matthias Schweighöfer en Christian Friedel.

3. Russendisko (2012) - Cast & Crew — The Movie Database (TMDB)

  • Cast 15 ; Matthias Schweighöfer. Wladimir Kaminer ; Friedrich Mücke. Mischa ; Christian Friedel. Andrej ; Peri Baumeister. Olga ; Susanne Bormann. Hanna.

  • Three young Russian friends, who move from Moscow to Berlin in a lucky wave of emigration right after the fall of the Berlin wall. They take their chance looking for a better life and find themselves involved in the tales of everyday lunacy on the streets of Berlin and its spirit of the early nineties.

4. Russendisko (2012) directed by Oliver Ziegenbalg • Reviews, film + cast

5. Russendisko - Cineuropa

  • The adventures of Wladimir and his two friends, Mischa and Andrej, three young men from Moscow who come to Berlin in a lucky wave of emigration right after ...

  • Cineuropa - the best of european cinema

6. Russendisko (film, 2012) -

  • Bevat niet: characters | Resultaten tonen met:characters

  • Wladimir, Andrej en Mischa zijn drie jonge Russische vrienden die ervoor kiezen om te verhuizen van Moskou naar Berlijn, kort na de val van de…

7. Russendisko (2012) | WTM

8. Russendisko (2012) - Trakt

  • Three young Russian friends, who move from Moscow to Berlin in a lucky wave of emigration right after the fall of the Berlin wall.

  • Three young Russian friends, who move from Moscow to Berlin in a lucky wave of emigration right after the fall of the Berlin wall. They take their chance looking for a better life and find themselves involved in the tales of everyday lunacy on the streets of Berlin and its spirit of the early nineties.

9. Russendisko (2012) Technical Specifications - ShotOnWhat?

  • 15 jun 2019 · Russendisko (2012) tech specs : shot on ARRI ALEXA Camera - Directed by Oliver Ziegenbalg with Cinematography by Tetsuo Nagata - The Motion ...

  • Russendisko (2012) tech specs : shot on ARRI ALEXA Camera - Directed by Oliver Ziegenbalg with Cinematography by Tetsuo Nagata - The Motion Picture & Television Technical Database

10. Russendisko (2012) pełna obsada - Filmweb

  • Pełna obsada filmu Russendisko (2012) - Lato 1990. Świeżo po upadku muru berlińskiego do Berlina przyjeżdża trzech przyjaciół, którzy po wielu szaleństwach ...

  • Pełna obsada filmu Russendisko (2012) - Lato 1990. Świeżo po upadku muru berlińskiego do Berlina przyjeżdża trzech przyjaciół, którzy po wielu szaleństwach otwierają klub z rosyjską...

11. Russendisko (2012) - Box Office Mojo

  • Following Russian immigrant narrator Wladimir as he and his friends navigate Berlin around the time of German Reunification, Russendisko holds plotlines ...

12. Russendisko (2012) | Characters | WTM

  • Russendisko (2012) ... The Character List for Russendisko has not yet been filled. Feel free to log in and add your favourite Characters. Russendisko Characters.

  • Guess the title of a movie just by looking at a snapshot. Register to upload movie stills yourself and compete with others.

13. Russendisko: Film Review - The Hollywood Reporter

  • 28 mrt 2012 · The big-screen adaptation is based on a loose collection of stories that became a bestseller in 2000.

  • The big-screen adaptation is based on a loose collection of stories that became a bestseller in 2000.

14. Russendisko in Cinemas - Cellar Bars, Vodka and Love – DW – 04/14/2012

  • 14 apr 2012 · Now, the autobiographical story has been adapted for the cinema, with German actor Matthias Schweighöfer as Wladimir Kaminer. It's a hilarious ...

  • Berlin, 1990: There young Russian immigrants wind up in eastern Berlin on their search for happiness and good fortune. The short story collection Russendisko became a best seller for author Wladimir Kaminer twelve years ago. Now, the autobiographical story has been adapted for the cinema, with German actor Matthias Schweighöfer as Wladimir Kaminer. It’s a hilarious comedy about the wild days in Berlin following the fall of the Wall.

Characters Russendisko (2012)
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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.