Celia Scott Weatherhead School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine (2025)

The Tulane email system, which is called WaveMail, uses the Microsoft Office 365 email and calendering services. Your WaveMail User ID is your Tulane University username with @tulane.edu added to the end. For example, if your Tulane University username is riptide, your WaveMail User ID isriptide@tulane.edu.

To access email via the web:

  • http://outlook.com/tulane.edu
  • http://outlook.com/wave.tulane.edu (departmental accounts)
    • log in with the user name format account@wave.tulane.edu
  • http://outlook.com/tulanealumni.net (alumni accounts)
    • log in with the user name format account@tulanealumni.net

WaveMail - iPad/iPhone

Setting UpWaveMailon the iPad and iPhone

1. Using the iPad or iPhone, go toSettings

2. TapMail, Contacts, Calendars

3. TapAdd Account...

4. SelectMicrosoft Exchange

5. Enter your username@tulane.edu email address and password

Celia Scott Weatherhead School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine (1)

6. TapNext

7. Your iPhone/iPad should automatically find the server information.

8. If prompted, manually enter the serveroutlook.office365.com. Leave Domain blank.

9. TapNext

10. You will be prompted to set your sync preferences

11. Make your selections and tapSave

WaveMail - Android

Follow these steps to add Tulane WaveMail to your Android device.

1. Go toSettings

2. Slide down toAccounts

3. ClickAdd Account

4. SelectMicrosoft Exchange,Corporate Sync, orCorporate

Celia Scott Weatherhead School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine (2)

5. ClickAgree

6. Enter the settings manually

  • Email address: username@tulane.edu
  • Password: your password
  • Domain: leave blank
  • Username: username@tulane.edu
  • Server (if prompted) outlook.office365.com

7. ClickNext

8. Choose synchronizationoptions then click Next

9. ClickDone

10. SelectActivate

Note: If you encounter problems authenticating, disable the wi-fi and use the phone's data connection.


Use the OWA App

An alternate method to set up Tulane WaveMail on an Android device is to use the OWA App:

(Minimum Requirement: Android 4.1 or later)

1. Search for and Install theOWA for Android(Pre-release) in thePlay Store(app store)

2. Make sure it's Outlook Web App and not just Outlook.

3. Once the app has installed, locate the app in your phone menu and open it.

4. ClickContinue

5. Enter yourusername@tulane.eduandpassword

6. If you see your inbox, you have completed the setup successfully

7. Some users will not be able to authenticate and will need to clickAdvancedto enter the settings manually:

  • Email address: username@tulane.edu
  • Username: username@tulane.edu
  • Password: password
  • Domain: Leave blank
  • Server: outlook.office365.com

Once all the fields (except domain) are populated, presssign inand your mailbox should appear

Forwarding Email

Forwarding WaveMail to another email account:

This forward must be put into place on the Outlook.com web interface.

Please note: Effective December 2, Tulane Technology Services will not allow HIPAA identified users to configure autoforwarding from the Tulane email system to any outside email system.

1. Log in to your WaveMail account:

2. Click theGeariconin the upper right hand corner.

Celia Scott Weatherhead School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine (3)

3. Enter the keyword forward to search
4. SelectForwarding
5. In the blankForward my email to:type in the address you would like to use.

Celia Scott Weatherhead School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine (4)

6. If you choose, check the box 'Keep a copy of forwarded...' (meaning to keep a copy of all mail in your Tulane inbox).
7. ClickStart Forwarding.
8. Return to your inbox by clickingOutlookin the top right corner.

NOTE:if your screen does not show the Options listed in these directions, you might be using the "light" version:

1. Once you clickOptionsand notice that your screen does not have the same color scheme or menu settings, go toOutlook version

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2. Uncheck the box:Use the blind and low vision experience
3. ClickSavewhich is above the check box in the blue stripe at the top
4. Sign out of WaveMail andrestart your browser
5. Start again at the beginning of these directions to set up forwarding

Blocked/Compromised Account

If you replied to a phishing message:

  1. Immediately change your password and your challenge questions:https://password.tulane.edu
  2. Monitor your Sent and Draft folders for any unusual activities. Report any unusual behavior to the Help Desk via phone or online.
  3. Check your email account for rules that send your email to trash or forward your email to an address that you are not familiar with. If you find one of these rules, delete the rule.
  4. Complete the Anti-Phishing traininghttp://phishbait.tulane.edu/training/

If you can no longer log into your account, your account may already be compromised and therefore blocked by the system administrators from causing further harm to you or to Tulane. If this is the case, please contact the Technical Support and Network Operations Center (TSNOC) at 504.862.8888 so that they may verify that your account is blocked. If your account is blocked, the TSNOC will escalate your request to level 2 support at Tulane for further action.

When the spammers have your password, they create a rule in your mailbox to forward a copy of your email to them, hence if you use tulane.edu email for banking or other online verification, act immediately to protect yourself by alerting your financial institution, placing fraud alerts on your credit files with the 3 major credit reporting bureaus and monitoring your account statements closely.

Tulane accounts are used to access many applications containing sensitive information. If there are any doubts on the legitimacy of an email, delete the email, and contact the TSNOC at 8888 on the Uptown Campus, 8-8888 on the Health Sciences Center campus or off-campus at 1-866-276-1428.

***Remember that the University will NEVER ask for your password in an e-mail. If you receive an e-mail that claims to be from the University and asks for your username and password, forward it (with all headers and the entire message) tosecurity@tulane.edu. Fraudulent e-mail claiming to come from outside agencies (for example, PayPal) should be directed reported to the company being phished.

Departmental Email Account

Email accounts for Departments and Resources

  • A shared email account associated with a department or organization.
  • Anyone with the password has complete control over the account like their own individual email account.
  • Replies are sent as the resource account, not the individual who writes them.
  • Can be added to Outlook.
  • Responsibility for this account can be passed on as staff or organization leadership changes.

Departmental Email accounts can be requested through the Service Catalog -https://tulane.service-now.com/

List Servs (email lists)

List servs are electronic mailing lists where groups of users share email messages. They aremanaged by a list owner who has formal responsibility for the operation of the list and enforces policies which the user establishes.

Request a List Serv

List servs can be requested through the Service Catalog -https://tulane.service-now.com/

Please note: If you are a student and the list is for a student organization, you need to get an approval from Student Programs by sending an e-mail totel@tulane.edu. If you are a student and the list is for your department or professor, a reference letter from your department or professor is required to be sent tolists@tulane.edu.

Go tohttps://listserv.tulane.eduto maintain your listserv online.

Celia Scott Weatherhead School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine (2025)
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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.